When God created man, He created him in his own image,
the book of Genesis chapter 1:1 told the whole story of creation.
Man was supposed to worship God, while in the garden of Eden,
but somehow man disappointed God,
he disappointed God by disobedience,
after punishing man God put him outside the garden of eden,
to fend for himself,
After sometime God gave man an oportunity to repent and come back because man was going far away from his creator.
Therefore Moses told them that God will raise a prophet like him among their brethren,
which God fulfilled by sending his only begotten son Jesus Christ to come and die for mankind,
so that whosoever belives in him will not perish but have everlasting life.
The law as handed down by Moses became obsolet at the coming of Jesus Christ,
though that doesn't mean that the law should be disobeyed,
Jesus Christ made us to understand during his preachings that the whole commandment is sumed up in this two commandments:
You shall love God with all your heart and with all your streinght,
the second is Love your neighbour as yourself,
Paul also made us to understand that love is the ultimate thing,
he said that if you like be the highest in everything, if you don't have love you have nothing.
If you love God, you will worship Him,
you will reverece Him,
you will obey him in all things, like
avoiding every form of sin,
striving to please God at all time,
striving towards being perfect like Him,
If you love your neighbour as yourself,
you will not want to hurt him in any way,
since you cannot hurt yourself.
You will not want to comit adultry with his wife,
neigther will you want to funicate with his doughter,
nor will you covet his goods,
you will not want to kill him.
Therefore if man is able to love God,
love his neighbour as himself and go about his business there wont problem anywhere,
For that is the whole duty of man.
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