I use to
here of juvenile delinquency due to the fact that parent are ready to train discipline
and instruct their children in the morally and Christian way to grow and be
useful to themselves and to God and man, this been the case making it a juvenile
delinquency when a child refuses to follow the instruction of his or her
But now it
is called parent delinquency because the parent are the one that are teaching
their children to be wayward, you see a girl that is indecently dress they will
tell you that it is their parents that bought the cloths for them and that
their parents want them to look sexy, I began to wander why a parent would want
his daughter to look sexy, to look sexy is it not to be attractive so that
someone would like to have sex with you?
Click Here!
Maybe am
wrong to your understanding but that is how I understand it and I believe that
is how every Christian should understand it too as such what do you call that…..
Parent delinquency.
When you see
the boys dressed like gangsters you find out that it is their parents that is
encouraging them to dress like that they ask their children can’t you see how
other children are dressed, parents have nothing to offer I ask them was this
how you were trained and you turn out good and they say this is their time let
them enjoy it.
I cry for
this generation, no wonder our Lord Jesus Christ said that it will like Sodom and
Gomorrah but must you be among the end time children and the end time parents
beware Christ is coming soon in what condition would he meet you repent and be baptized
in the name of Jesus Christ and live a righteous like the time is near.
If you have
any questions you can comment.

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